Strawberries cultivated
up to three rows high

We are the innovators and builders of new, innovative systems for off-ground strawberry production, designed to speed up and simplify cultivation operations, improve working conditions for employees, guarantee higher productivity per hectare, and create a cleaner and more organized production environment.

The innovative strawberry cultivation system branded Combimetal Carrera develops vertically and up to 3 rows, guaranteeing excellent fruit size for farms, with an average strawberry weight ranging from 30 to 60 grams.

It also improves fruit and plant maturation and uniformity, as well as nutrient and pest management.
In the last 2 years, dozens of installations have been carried out throughout Italy, especially in Puglia, Basilicata, Sardinia, Calabria, and Marche.

At Combimetal Carrera, we handle the design and construction of greenhouse components and the complete installation of the commissioned system, thanks to in-house professionals who customize the system based on customer needs, providing technical and logistical support.

Off-ground cultivation allows producers to save on labor while mitigating the severe labor shortage in agriculture.

Our off-ground systems are ideal for strawberries and small fruits and feature three rows of adjustable gutters positioned so as not to shade each other, ensuring that the plant in the first row has the same productivity as the one positioned at the bottom.

Technical aspects
of the Combimetal Carrera
off-ground system

At Combimetal Carrera, we guarantee the high durability of the materials used, thus allowing for the amortization of the initial investment. In fact, the gutters last up to 10 years and the poles up to 20.

Combimetal Carrera off-ground systems are characterized by 1, 2, or 3 rows of adjustable gutters, supported by 2.5 mm steel poles, 5 mm hot-dip galvanized brackets, and fixing bases, essential to prevent the pole from sinking into the ground with the weight of the gutter, the substrate placed inside it, and the cultivation, when it is in full productivity.
The threading of the iron components is carried out directly in the field, thanks to a modern transportable machine capable of working up to the length of the entire greenhouse, in order to minimize the joints between one gutter and another.

Furthermore, central furrows are placed between the arches to prevent water from stagnating or fruits from getting wet.
The system, with 3 gutters spaced 50 cm apart, significantly improves working conditions in the field, not only for pickers but also for all the labor that works from the beginning to the end of the campaign, including transplanting operations.
During the installation of the system, the slope is important to allow all the trays to retain adequate humidity, so the steel poles are buried following a precise scheme and in any case at a depth of about 50 cm.
For the one-row system, the pole protrudes from the ground by 1 meter (pole diameter of 33 mm and thickness of 2.2 mm), while for two-row systems, the external height is 144 cm and the pole diameter is 42 mm.
In a 5-meter-wide greenhouse that houses a two-row system, 4 gutters are inserted, with a space of 150 cm between each, allowing for the passage of trolleys and maintaining ample space for operators. While in the case of a single row, it is possible to install up to 5 rows of gutters.

Ogni anno:

nuovi impianti realizzati
+35 %
messa a dimora di piantine
tonnellate di fragole prodotte

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