Kiwi and Tree Crop Umbrella Structure

We did not stop at small fruits; we aimed to revolutionize kiwi cultivation systems.

As a result, we have introduced an innovative umbrella structure – called “ombrello” greenhouse – specifically designed for kiwi plants, marking a new milestone in greenhouse construction for this crop.

This unique umbrella-shaped structure ensures complete plant coverage, thanks to its design.

The height and width of the arches can be customized to meet specific customer needs.
The emergence of new kiwi varieties in Italy (green, yellow, and red) has highlighted the need for a structure capable of supporting both netting and plastic film, as well as the weight of the fully-grown plant.

This provides greater control over growing conditions and facilitates harvesting.
With the assistance of engineers and technicians, we have developed a durable hot-dip galvanized steel structure, ideal for actinidia cultivation.

This innovative solution has been highly successful in kiwi-growing regions.

Thanks to this structural design, there is no need for concrete poles or the hassle of tying branches during growth.

As the plant grows, farmers can easily tie the branches to the steel cables included in the structure, simplifying harvesting and other cultivation tasks.

Why the umbrella shape?

The umbrella shape ensures complete plant coverage, preventing rainwater, hail, or snow from accumulating on the roots or plant, thanks to a drainage channel that directs water away from the root zone, preventing rot.

Additionally, the umbrella shape promotes better ventilation while providing full plant coverage.

Our structure is more resistant than traditional solutions, not only to extreme weather events but also to additional loads such as thermoplastic film, which is essential for red and yellow kiwi varieties.

Technical Specifications

The tubes in our umbrella structure have a diameter of 33, 42, or 48 mm and a thickness of 2.5 mm. They are embedded in the ground to a depth of approximately 60 cm, making the system more stable and resistant to extreme weather conditions. Combimetal Carrera's structure is certified and guaranteed for over 15 years.
+ 23%
di produttività dell'impianto

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